Remodels can be a massive undertaking. There are so many things that help to create a large budget and a lot of work. Because many look at ways to lessen that budget, the temptation is there to choose a countertop material that saves money. You might even find that...
If you’re thinking about redoing your bathroom, you’re probably wondering what you should consider in yours. Here’s a few ideas to think about. THINK ABOUT FUNCTION How will your bathroom be used? Considering how things function will help you make decisions. If...
Cost is always a big question when planning a remodel. Before getting started, it’s important to budget for everything you’re planning to do. THE BASICS An article from House Logic has claimed that you need to have at least $100 to $200 per square foot for...
One of the great advantages of having quartz countertops is the ease of care. Still, there are some things you need to know to keep your counters looking amazing. BASIC CLEANING For everyday cleaning, you’ll want to have a soft rag or paper towel handy. A mild...