If you’re thinking about redoing your bathroom, you’re probably wondering what you should consider in yours. Here’s a few ideas to think about.


How will your bathroom be used? Considering how things function will help you make decisions. If you use the bathroom to get dressed, you’ll want things one way. If you just use it to clean up, that’ll lead to something different. The same is true of choices like a tub or stand up shower. These considerations lead to decisions on the size of the vanity, combo tub and shower or separate spaces for tub and shower. Because everything you decide in your bathroom impacts how it functions, you’ll want to consider it first.


We all know what a toilet does and that’s important. Still, you want something that fits with your style. Because of that, you’ll want to balance both form and function. This is a situation where you don’t have to settle for whatever someone happens to have. Look at several options and think about reviews.


The average home uses drains for the bathroom that are 1 ½ inches. One of the best suggestions is to consider using bigger drains. If you’re taking the bathroom back to the studs and installing plumbing anyway, this is an inexpensive choice that reaps dividends. Imagine not having to deal with as many stopped up drains. That alone is worth the larger option.


Newer bathrooms have this feature and there are a couple of reasons why. First, a window is a source of natural light. The second reason is to give steam another outlet in the bathroom than just a fan. If privacy is a concern, there are still options that will let you have the best of both worlds, so it’s worth a thought or two.


It’s easy to consider fixtures as a minor element in a bathroom redesign. You’ll even discover that builder’s grade materials are cheaper and that might motivate you that way, but our best advice is to think about this before you do it. Stylish, high quality pieces will last a lot longer than builder’s grade pieces and that will save you money in the long run and let your bathroom look good doing it.


If you’ve ever stayed with a friend or at a hotel that had bad lighting in the bathroom, you know how important good lighting is. Lights without too much shadow are best for setting things off perfectly. Stay away from fluorescent lights that also cast unnatural color. Also keep function in mind when choosing lights. In the end, you’ll notice the light itself rather than the look of it.


Natural stone is the way to go with this feature in the bathroom. It tends to be the most eye catching and you’ll want it to speak for your style. Natural stone also considers function because of the ease of care involved with it. When you’re ready to think about it, contact us and we’ll talk further.


Putting together a plan for your dream bathroom is easier than you think. Consider these steps and you’ll find yourself with a room that looks classy and works even better than it’s look.